Monday, July 7, 2008

Been so long

Hi all. Its been so long since I last posted. I've been quite busy and haven't had the time to share my dog stories with you all.

"Frisbee" is the magic word. When I say "frisbee," Daisy knows its time to play with the frisbee. She knows the general direction I will throw the frisbee and runs as I throw it towards her. She'll jump high to catch it and it's great watching her leap into the air.

Our frisbee time is always right after I finish eating dinner. The sun isn't so hot and the temperature is just right. She usually starts whining and judging my elbow with her nose trying to tell me "its time to go out now and play frisbee."

As for the frisbee that I use, the one I got is from petsmart and is made of a cloth with plastic ends. I used to use a regular frisbee but noticed that sometimes, her gums would get hurt from the spinning round plastic frisbee.

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