Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New President & New Golden Retriever Groups

Today is the day for our new President Obama. Congratulations Mr. President! We're all looking forward for the great changes to come!!! (^_^)

On another note, about a little over a month ago, I finally broke down and got myself a facebook account. Since then I've been working on it from time to time, spending only a few minutes a week on it. Recently, I found out about the different groups of social networking that I can join that share the same interests that I do.

I joined two new ones called:

I'm a Proud owner of a Golden Retriever!


I ♥ My Golden Retriever!

So far, I have not found anything out of the ordinary. Just a bunch of other golden retriever lovers like myself and some fantastic stories. Its quite amazing reading how much the golden retriever owners' lives have changes since they got their pups and dogs into their lives. If any of you out there also have facebook and looking to find a couple great golden retriever groups in facebook, I would recommend these two groups.

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