Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Curlers for Daisy

So I bought my wife curlers so she and her sister can have... curls. duh! In the fun of curling each others' hair, they decided to add two small curlers to Daisy! Yeah she got curls now. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of her with after the curls came off. However, it was quite funny seeing her wanting to get curlers on after she saw my wife and sister putting curlers on their hair. Daisy just wanted to be "part of the pack" LOL silly Daisy!

... and just for fun, here is Daisy with a custom made hairband on. This hair band was made from my sister (acutally sister in law but I just call her sister), and fits Daisy well. Although it was originally made for the wife LOL.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Golden Retriever - Fetch

So, today I have two topics I want to share with you. First, as many of you know, Daisy and I enjoy playing fetch very much. We take about 5-10 minutes outside just playing fast-paced fetch. During the summer, we like to go to the dog beach located on the causeway between Somer's Point and Longport. The dog beach is literally located where the bridge going into Ocean City starts. It's a great place to take any dog during the summer. There is ample parking there just made for the dog beach. There are many dogs (unleashed if trained well) such as my Daisy and won't run off to other areas. Although there are a handful of dogs that aren't trained as well and will run off else where but they don't go far where their owners won't find their dog. The other place we go to sometime is in Egg Harbor Township, NJ to a park called Canal Park. We'll take some picnic sandwiches with us and enjoy the vast lush grass area and play fetch.

For the winter, we only play in the back yard. Its so cold!!!! However, yesterday's weather was great and we spent some good time outside. I tried to take pictures with my iphone of Daisy returning with her frisbee. I couldn't take pictures of her catching it beucase it just seemed way too far away. The timing to catch a photo in the sunlight was a bit challenging too as you can see below. I don't want to get her in the shadow beucause I wasn't sure how well the photo would turn out.

Here is my first attempt with just catching her back, butt and fluffy tail.

Second attempt, a bit better. A bit blurry. A bit in the shadow... But showing good energy!

Nice photo for attempt #3. She is vibrantly running in the sun!

Attempt #4. Daisy looks a bit tired, but she isn't

Attempt #5, came sprinting back. haha

Friday, January 30, 2009

Golden Retriever Ribbons

This week, my sister made a ribbon for Daisy. My sister enjoys crafts from stitching, ribbon making, etc. Daisy liked the ribbon very much surprisingly. I think she knows when she looks pretty. When she put the ribbon on, we all complimented her on how pretty she looked.
As you can see, Daisy is happily smiling in the picture above. Usually she doesn't like hats and other headwear but we were very delighted to see she liked the ribbon. Horray for custom made golden retriever ribbons!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Golden Retriever Drawings to come... soon

I recently did some doodling of cows. WOW how cool would it be for me to do some sketches of Golden Retriever drawings? That would be awesome so I think in the near future, I'm also going to start posting my sketches of golden retriever drawings and illustrations. At times, I doodle facial profiles of Daisy, my golden retriever, when I'm on the phone. However, those damn post-its just disappear...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Golden Retriever - Hello Kitty

The last week of December 2008, my family and I went to Mitsuwa up in northern NJ to go shopping. At the bookstore there, we got my mom a knitting book that teaches how to make many cute bags, coasters, etc mixed in with Hello Kitty designs.

The first several projects she did was creating coasters and then she started spanning off into bags and other things. Needless to say we already have made 2-3 trips to A.C. Moore for more yarn. My mom made a mat for Daisy's doggie bowl but instead, since it was square, we decided to fold it and wrap it around Daisy's neck. Ahhh, she looked so cute! I love my golden retriever! So with the new mat that became a scarf, she's got her own little Hello Kitty scarf that goes around her neck.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New President & New Golden Retriever Groups

Today is the day for our new President Obama. Congratulations Mr. President! We're all looking forward for the great changes to come!!! (^_^)

On another note, about a little over a month ago, I finally broke down and got myself a facebook account. Since then I've been working on it from time to time, spending only a few minutes a week on it. Recently, I found out about the different groups of social networking that I can join that share the same interests that I do.

I joined two new ones called:

I'm a Proud owner of a Golden Retriever!


I ♥ My Golden Retriever!

So far, I have not found anything out of the ordinary. Just a bunch of other golden retriever lovers like myself and some fantastic stories. Its quite amazing reading how much the golden retriever owners' lives have changes since they got their pups and dogs into their lives. If any of you out there also have facebook and looking to find a couple great golden retriever groups in facebook, I would recommend these two groups.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dog Food & Snacks

There is no right or wrong dog food. I spent a lot of my waking hour the first year trying to find the "Right" dog food and apparently there isn't any. Infact, a friend of mine once told me, "In the past, before humans came into dogs' lives, dogs used to eat almost anything and everything just like other animals that try to survive in the wilderness." Now, that's not saying let's give our dog doses of our sinful delicious chocolates. I won't do that. However, I did go and find something that my dog liked that I did not see bad as well. The one thing my wife and I looked out for when finding the right dog food was chicken or any kind of animal by-products. Dog food such as Science Diet and other major dog foods have animal by-products in it.

What are animal by products?

These are the things other than the meaty muscle tissue. This in reality is a deadly mixture of contaminated animal heads, toenails, bones, pus, intestines, chicken feathers, stomachs, hair and lungs.


So, when my wife and I looked through the many products Pet's mart sells, the store rep suggested us one kind of dog food that didn't have animal by products and is healthy for pets. Unfortunatly, I don't remember the name of the dog food but Daisy wasn't a big fan of the flavor. We eventually found a dog food called Farm Stand Selects which has no animal by products in it and has real dried vegetables as well.

We also at times mix real vegetables in with her food, such as dicing up tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, broccoli, as well as sometime mixing in rice. Don't misunderstand. I don't give her all these at the same time; we're not creating a salad bar for her. Just a couple times a week we give her one of the vegetables mixed with her food as well as sometime even adding in a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil (said to keep a dog's coat shiny).

I remember the night we first got Daisy into our lives, she had no appetite. We were given a puppy dog food from the breeder which Daisy wasn't in the mood to eat. I think the overall shock at the time was too great so my wife, who's had dogs all her life, decide to make a hard boiled egg and crush a quarter of it with rice and her dog food. The good smell and flavor got Daisy to eat her food. Ever since then, hard boiled eggs (we only give her egg whites) and rice have become one of her favorite mixes with her food.

As for snacks, Daisy, like most dogs love milk bones. On top of that, she also loves fresh vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, cucumber, lettuce, cabbage, etc), ice cubes and fruits. Although we don't give her much fruits, I personally don't think it's too good for her. Especially since grapes don't digest in dogs stomach.

Daisy doesn't beg for food. Infact, when we eat meals at the table, she never begs for food at all. We trained her well but when we open the freezer, she always comes to us hoping to get an ice cube.

I as well as other readers would like to hear your comments on what kind of dog food and snacks you give your dog. Feel free to comment and share your thoughts :)