Friday, November 16, 2007

Daisy's Name

Let's see. What were the different names we thought of for my Golden Retriever. We thought of many names. More than I can remember but our top three names that we came to a conclusion on were:
  • Daphne
  • Cookie
  • Daisy

As the days went on, we ended up liking the name Daisy the most. We had not thought of it to be a common name for a dog but I guess it is fairly common. The cool thing is that our street name is Daphne and the cross street to our street is Daisy. We were tempted to do Daphne but thought it might be a bit corny to have Daphne and live on Daphne Rd.

I'm sure every dog owner (at least most) go through the same long hours and days of thinking like we did for a name. Geez, it makes me wonder how long it took my parents to name me. Oh wait, they didn't. My grandmother did. LOL

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