Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Some Historical Blogs

This blog was a blog I wrote in the past a few months we got Daisy. It was written on

March 8 of 2006:

Daisy is losing her baby teeth. So far, she's lost and grew in about 4-5 teeth as i can keep track of. All this has happened within the past few weeks.

We also took her to the vet (dog doctor) today and she got her rabies shot. We also checked her weight. She currently weighs 28 pounds.

March 20, 2006:
We checked Daisy's weight today. She weighs 33 lbs. She's getting heavy. Nain always carries Daisy to bed at night but lately, Nain is having a hard time carrying Daisy because she's getting heavy. I wonder how Nain is going to take Daisy to bed when Daisy reaches 80lbs?

Today, Nagi and I picked up Nain at school. We took Daisy with us. Daisy wrapped the leash around Nagi's neck as she climbed over and around the seat leaving a red brush burn mark on Nagi's neck. OUCH!

Well, you can imagine what happened to Daisy from that point.

March 20, 2006:
Ok. we came home at 10:00 pm from Cold stone creamery and had a take out from Best food in town chinese restaurant. When we came home, dad and i ate chicken wings. We gave Daisy an ice cube. later, when nagi, nain and i went upstairs, we found a huge chunk of Daisy's crap right where i sit in front of the bed!

Everything was fair.. Daisy and I ate. Then I assume she got mad becuase i was eating more and tried to get her revenge by pooping in my bedroom. It smelled so bad i almost threw up my chicken wings. I beat her, I yelled at her, and I beat her.

Ofcourse she knew she did bad. hehe... I won....

.. but i'm still pissed off

March 31, 2006:
Daisy can now lay down when we tell her to lay down.

April 2, of 2006:
we are training daisy simple math. when we tap the ground once and say "one" daisy taps her paw one time. then we do "two" and tap the ground and daisy taps her paw two times.

I saw on the Discovery Channel that dogs understand simple math such as the one we are doing becuase of their wolf ancestors. Wolves are always traveling in packs so the alpha male knows how to count how many are in their pack. Therefore, they can do simple math.

Lastly, Daisy is now weighs 37 pounds.

April 25, 2006:
daisy weighs 45 lbs. actually she weighs 46.5 lbs.

she is getting smarter too. she knows a lot. not just in regards to verbal commands but also what her responsibilities and certain rules of the home. For example, she knows she's not allowed into the street.

We recently got our fence up. now we have to fix the lawn and after that is done, we will be able to let daisy outside in the back yard. unfortunately i dont have a picture of our fence i can put on this blog.

May 4, 2006:
The past weekend, we tried an experiment. We kept both Nain's bedroom door and our bedrrom door open for when we went to bed to see where Daisy would go. Normally, Daisy always sleeps in Nain's room without choice. Now that the doors were open, we wanted to see what Daisy would do.

Daisy slept on our bed next to me, back to back. The first night, i was really conscious about trying NOT to roll over her. Thus, i didn't sleep well. The 2nd night, Daisy slept next to me again but this time, i didn't care about if i were to roll over her, throw my arm on top of her, etc.

I slept well.

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