Monday, November 19, 2007

Nail Clipping

So normally, I would write an entry about an event that happened in the past two years but yesterday there was an event that's worth writing about. My wife and sister were clipping Daisy's nails. When they got the the back left paw, she clipped it a bit short and it bled. The blood was gushing out so fast and so much my wife fell into a panic attack. I called the vet and they recommended to tempoarily use flour if we didn't have any Quick Stop (a powder used to stop nail bleeding). Then we packed pressure on it to help stop the bleeding as well as wrapped it up with a gauze.

About 4 hours later, the bleeding didn't stop beucase Daisy is a very active dog and her blood pressure kept pumping out the blood. Around 1:00 a.m., my sister and I took Daisy to the emergency care vet to have her checked on. They added Quick Stop and bandaged up her paw. They also mentioned that she'll be fine and to take off the bandage off by Tuesday.

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