Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Golden Search Begins

So how did it all start? Let's start from the very beginning from how we searched, decided and found. It all started when I started going out with the woman who became my wife. When we were going out, she was always a dog lover. She had a history of having shitzus, cocker spaniels, and a few other breeds as she grew up. From the time we started dating, she always nagged me about wanting a dog. Although I was not too crazy about being a dog owner due to the responsibilites that came with it, I still liked dogs. We originally lived in an apartment so having a dog was out of the question til we bought a house.

The same year we bought our first house, my wife nagging skyrocketed and the search began. We laid down some criterias of the kind of dog we wanted to get. I told her, "If we get a dog, I want a big dog." She was ok with my criteria. As we looked around we came across Huskies, Labs, Bernise Mountain Dogs, and more. My first favorite picks were the Husky and the Bernise Mountain Dog. The next thing we did was look up the dogs' characteristics and none of those matched our life style. As we looked around more, we came to the conclusion that Golden Retriever would be the best overall dog for us.

Finding a price to fit our budget was the next issue. We heard horror stories from people all over that buying from a pet store is bad. We avoided the pet stores at all cost... and they were costly, about $1700 costly! We looked on the internet and newspapers for breeders. We found one for about $700, made the call and and appointment to see the dog in a couple days. Shortly after, my wife found a breeder located about an hour from us that was selling Golden Retrievers for $455 a pup! OMG what a deal! We immediatly called them and they told us they only have one left and it was a female. PERFECT! My wife wanted a female Golden Retriever. Finally, we decided to cancel the appointment for the $700 Golden Retriever and set way to see $455 Golden Retriever.

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