Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy New year

Well, its time to start working on my blog. 2007 and 2008 was a rough year for all of us and so much stress had taken a toll on many of us here in the states. Although we try to keep a happy positive attitude here at home, Daisy still knows and understands the hardships that my family and I went went through.

I decided to slow down on my NJ website company which I had been doing for the past 5 years and now I'm working for a company utilizing my skills as a graphic and website designer. With the steady flow of income, we're hoping to get back on our feet and start spending better quality time with Daisy.

On New Year, I spent my time at Resorts Hotel Casino with my family. We brought home one of the party favors that Resorts was giving out (head piece) and decorated it onto Daisy. She's not crazy about having ribbons, hats, etc on her so this didn't stay on her long. She'd much rather be running outdoor cutting through the wind... but at night, she spends her time indoor. Here is a photo of her trying to get her ball from underneath the bed.


Anonymous said...

I miss her....I'll come over & play ball with her!

Preeti Singh said...

I use to give my dog Scruffy a banana for snack. He was not a great fan of it but my breeder told me to give one banana to him everyday.

Anonymous said...

Daisy sometimes eat blueberries when they are in season but she is picky. She'll sniff each one and won't eat the sour ones. She also won't eat the snacks the cashiers give at Petsmart. Daisy is a picky golden retriever...